Heritage Legacies
The Heritage Legacies project was funded from 2014-15 by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The project worked with a number of participants concerned with a range of projects related to the themes of heritage, community-led research, co-production between communities and institutions and the outcomes – legacies – of those projects. The aim was to better understand how and when such co-production works best and to highlight those approaches for future use.
BLOP23 Vergunst, J., Curtis, E., Davis, O., Graham, H., Johnston, R. & Shepherd, C. (2016) Researching the past together: legacies of community-led and co-produced research (Aberdeen, University of Aberdeen Museums).
Oliver, J., Armstrong, J., Curtis, E., Curtis, N. and Vergunst, J. (2021) “Exploring co-production in community heritage research: Reflections from the Bennachie Landscapes Project”, BLOP26 in Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage, 9, 3, 196-215.